Can your translations be used?

Our translations are free to use provided that you do not portray them as your own. Screenshots don't have to be credited, but credit would be appreciated if used in fan works, quote bots, etc.

What will be translated?

Our current focus is on event stories, card stories, affection stories, and character episodes for the countries and characters we have interest in. Ultimately, our goal is to get to as much as we can!

Do you take requests?

You can request stories through our TL Twitter DMs, but whether or not we translate them is up to mod discretion. Other factors determining this could be time, interest, and whether or not we have the raw files.

Why did you translate [insert section here] like that?

We'll try to include notes at the end of translations on why we decided to translate/localize certain things, but if there's any unanswered questions, please relay them to our TL Twitter DMs.

There's an error in [insert story here].

If you spot an error, please DM us through our TL Twitter account. DMs through our personal accounts will not be answered.

This story was already translated by someone else.

Our ultimate goal as a team is to make our own personal translations of as much as we can from the series. Even if something has already been translated by someone else, we might put out our own version. We personally believe it's best to have different versions, as an owner could take down their translations, readers could prefer a certain style of translating, etc. There is never an intention to hurt feelings if we decide to translate something ourselves. We're doing this for fun and in our own free time!