Sonatine of Glory and the Blessing of Sparks


TTranslated by Alex; Proofread by the team

Chapter 8

[Location: Village arena, day]

With barely a snap of Mithra's fingers, Mitile was knocked onto his rear. Just as quickly as they appeared, the skeletons and mud blades vanished.

Mithra looked down at Mitile, whose shoulders were heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

Mithra's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, as if in a smile. 

Mithra: Was that not better? It seems you're finally starting to get the hang of things.

Mitile: …!

Mitile: …Right? And I learned it all from you, Mister Mithra.

Laughing belligerently, Mitile's expression was more of a prideful grin than a smile.

It was not something typically seen in the gentle, Southern culture. It was a perfectly Mitile-like expression; embodying the parched, red earth and the sun-hot wind.

The two of them… Their expressions seemed almost aligned.

Like a senior guiding a junior in an athletics club, or a coach and an athlete on a sports team; a pair striving for victory together, shoulder to shoulder.

Mitile: …Let's go again, please!

Mitile: Huff, huff, huff…

Mithra: Well, that's enough of that. After that attempt, we should take a break.

Mithra crouched down and offered his hand to Mitile. 

Mitile grabbed Mithra's hand as he had done many times before, and staggered to his feet.

Mitile: Okay… Uh, Mister Mithra, how am I doing?

Mithra: I certainly won't be calling on you for a casual battle anytime soon. [1]

Mithra: But in regards to that Elder, you may be about evenly matched.

Mitile: Yes…!!

Mithra: However, your offense is still inadequate.

Mithra: It's partially because your reaction time is slow, but more importantly, you don't take advantage of openings.

Mitile: "Openings?"

Mithra: The time when you think, "now, this is the moment".

Mitile: 'The moment'? When does that' happen?

Mithra: The moment happens in the moment.

Mithra: Here, take some sugar. Eat it quickly.

Mitile: Okaaay. Nom… The moment, huh……

Mitile tilted his head in thought as he happily popped the sugar crystals into his mouth.

Akira: (He doesn't seem to really get what Mithra is talking about. To be fair, it is a pretty abstract concept.)

Akira: (But since it's Mitile, then surely he can figure it out…)

Mithra: Alright. Once you've finished that, we will resume practice. We need to ensure that you will be able to make a decisive counterattack.

Mitile: Yes!

Chloe: Oh, right! Master Sage, Nero, why don't we go by my workshop for a little bit? I put together outfits for the two of you, and I'd like you to try them on, if you don't mind.

Akira: What, even for us…? Thank you very much!

Nero: Sorry to make ya go out of your way for us, li'l tailor.

Chloe: It's really no trouble! I just thought it would give us a nice sense of togetherness, that's all.

Chloe: Mitile, Mithra, we're heading out! Do your best for the last stretch of your training!

Mitile: I will!

[Location: Village main street, day]

Chloe: Mitile was sure working hard!

Akira: He was! I'm sure it will be a good match tomorrow.

Akira: Ah… But, come to think of it, is it really okay for an elderly person to fight…?

Chloe: Mm, I was worried about that too… I tried to politely ask about that when I was taking some measurements, but all he wanted to talk about was breakfast.

Nero: I mean, for an old guy, his magic seems to be plenty strong. He must have picked up a thing or two to get this far, right?

Nero: If ya got strong magic but a fragile body, there's still plenty you can do, like using magic to fight while sittin' on a chair or broom. Y'know, like the things you do when ya get your damn leg broken mid-brawl.

Chloe: U-Uhmm… I'm sorry, I haven't experienced anything like that before…

Chloe: Wow, here I thought the East was a pretty safe place, but you've gotten into nasty situations like that…?

Nero: Ah, sh-- I mean, no, that was just an old story. Um, I meant more like … I'd imagine that it would be a handy way to fight… or somethin'.

Chloe: Ohh, I get it! You probably meant to say 'you had a feeling that he fights like that', right? The way you said it, it sounded like it had happened to you.

Nero: Ha… Haha…

Akira: Well, I'm glad the Elder is an experienced fighter! Mitile seemed to be concerned about the fairness of the fight.

Chloe: We'll make sure to cheer as loud as we can for him tomorrow! Hip, hip, hooray!!

Akira: Hooray!!!

Nero: H-Hooray…

And then -- at long last, it was the day of the festival.

Meat-Hungry Youth: Hey, old man! I need more meat!

Meat-Loving Older Man: And I'll take some soup over here!

Man in Hunting Hat: Yeah, yeah, it's comin' up! Shiiit, there's a lot cookin', but not enough bein' served.

Lady Wearing an Apron: I've been known for my cooking around these parts for 50 years, and it still didn't prepare me for this!

Nero: Haha. Being a good cook is one thing, but being able to put out a lot of food quickly is a whole other beast.

Nero: I'll help out here until Mitile's match starts. Since I've gotten used to cookin' for a crowd, it doesn't matter much if I'm makin' two servings or twenty.

Tall Elderly Man: Everyone getting together and getting dressed up in brand new festival outfits… What a sight, and one I haven't seen in years!

Elegant Elderly Woman: It's truly like we're enjoying a festival from our youth, isn't it, old fellow?

Elegant Elderly Woman: Do you remember? Back then, my signature move was that flying kick.

Tall Elderly Man: Of course I remember. A certain old woman's right knee struck me right in my heart, and I fell in love on the spot…

Elegant Elderly Woman: Mhm… Do you want to have a rematch, and see if it feels the way you remember?

Tall Elderly Man: Hohoho… Bring it on, old lady. Let's go blow for blow, and recreate the spark that ignited our love of 70 years…

Chloe: H-Hey, I'm happy for you two, but please don't do anything crazy…!

Girl with Bonnet: So these are the traditional clothes of the village… It looks so different from the old rags my father would always wear.

Girl with Chignon: The colors are so in style! Can you ask your mother how she dyed the threads to be that vibrant?

Bandana-Wearing Youth: This meat is insanely good! I'm so glad we were able to hold the festival again this year.

Petite Youth: The meat is definitely tasty, but, uh… Weren't you completely over the festival? On account of it being ancient and barbaric, and stuff.

Bandana-Wearing Youth: Uhh… I changed my mind. Come on, the old guys from the red-window villa are about to face off, let's go check it out!

The youth started off together towards the area where the competitions were being held. Maybe it was thanks to the beautiful costumes and delicious food, but the younger villagers were overwhelmingly enjoying the festival. 

Akira: (I'm relieved that the festival itself is a big hit! Now, all that's left is…)

Young Man Wearing Boots: You know what? I heard that the last match today is going to be against the Elder!

Daughter with Pigtails: And isn't he gonna be fighting the son of the Great Witch? I've been so excited for today!

Old Man With a White Beard: Long after the first festival was engraved in this stone monument… Now, the legend will come to life once more!

The old man's bellowing declaration sends the crowd into a frenzy, no matter if they are young or old.

Akira: (...Do your best out there, Mitile…!)

[Location: Village arena, day]

In the late afternoon, just when the festival was at its peak --

Sturdy-Looking Man: …Now, the clash you've all been waiting for! The final match of the Festival of Strength! The day's ultimate match!

Sturdy-Looking Man: First, may I present to you the son of the Great Witch of legend, the one who started our lovely festival - the new challenger, Mitile! This strapping boy will be facing off against the one who needs no introduction; the guardian deity of our little village, our Elder!

Villagers: Ya~y! Finally!

Villagers: Fight hard, Great Witch's son!

Villagers: Elder! Let's go~o!

Mitile, his cheeks flushed a nervous red under the attention of the crowd, stepped into the arena, just on the other side of the fence from us.


TL Notes:

[1] Mithra says something more along the lines of "You aren't good enough to be my playmate yet", but it sounds a little too out of place in english; he's just saying Mitile isn't good enough to fight him, but in a way that shows how Mithra sees battle as just a lighthearted pastime :] 

[2] 赤窓荘 could be a family name, but it felt out of place to just drop Akamodo Villa in there, and I honestly don't know what else it could be lol. Guess they just know those guys by the house they live in…
